Does your partner support your love of underwear or do they see it as a waste of money? Do you buy things you know they will like to see or do you buy what you love to wear? When having a love of undies and a partner it can be a balancing act. While other partners can be enablers of your underwear habit.

For the most part, you guys have a partner who is supportive or isn’t into it as much as you are. This includes gay/bi/straight guys. Doing a survey that covers all is interesting. Some questions pertain to gay couples, while other straight ones. But we are learning as the years go by.

Very few of you guys have partners who don’t get it or they don’t know of your love. We have had guys over the years who have hidden their love from a partner who didn’t understand a love of underwear. And that that partner thought it was strange.  This to me, and this is my opinion, not the partner for you. Underwear is a small thing and if you can’t share that well… I won’t go there. 

My past relationships, with me being single now, my ex’es were supportive of my underwear, even though most didn’t get into it themselves. Granted on a few I have helped them discover undies and some wear better ones till this day, but none of them have been underwear converts. On the other hand, I have never dated a guy who loved undies as much as I do. I know they are out there but I have yet to run across one in my dating pool.

I’m curious how your wives/girlfriends, husbands/boyfriends react to your undies? Have they ever bought you undies? Do you wear things that they love? Do you have pairs they hate or style they hate?


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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