IMG_9032What would underwear be without great support? Well…. boxers! And I’m sure just about everyone reading this blog is not a big boxers fan. Like underwear we definitely need support. That can some in emotional and financial. This is like pledge week so let’s get the financial out of the way!

As I have said it takes money to run UNB. Over the years we have grown to a certain size that we have to rely on certain things. First is the hosting. We are too big and have our own dedicated server. This helps in traffic and growth. I hear you and you mention the problems we had a few weeks ago. That was an issue with an out dated server and we have since upgraded. Since we have completed the migration we have had no issues. HUZZAH!

Things such as moving servers, new designs to the site, and shoots all take money. We are getting by and cutting costs as we can. We def could use more support to grow and upgrade. If we had just 1/4 of your guys donate $1 a month we would be set! I would offer us more than enough money to do a lot of the things we to venture into! It’s easy to do just go to the UNB Patreon page and donate. You can remain anonymous!

We have redone our reward levels and have created a Slack where people donating over $5 a month get to be in a small focus group with other underwear fans and help us shape the future and get to know your other underwear lovers who support us!

Now, what if you can’t afford to give. We still love you guys too. Trust me I get it being on a super tight budget. If you are in this boat. Join in on our conversations and share our content. Share them on social media and with friend you think would enjoy the site. It’s just as important to share us and read us every day.

We hope you will take some time to support us either way!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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