Personally, to me there is nothing sexier than a classic white bikini. I hear some of you out there saying, ugh white is boring, but I totally disagree. When I first discovered bikinis back in my teens, I never would wear white. I always picked bold colors. Then around 19, I was obsessed with finding white bikinis. Why, you ask? Because it was taking what I saw as boring tighty whities and making them sexy as hell. To this day I still think the classic white bikini is sexy AF!

Estevez is a little known company in the US that is out of Columbia. They have been around for a few years. They make amazing swimwear and underwear. One other thing they have done is to make extended sizes. You can get p to 4XL in styles. REJOYCE bigger guys, you can wear something sexy and have it in your size. This is awesome to see! It literally made me smile when I saw this! I’m a tall and bigger guy and can actually wear this pair.

The Freedom White bikini is a true bikini. The cut and look of this one is awesome. Note that the pair doesn’t have a built in pouch, those of you who love a pouch, but give it a try this is like an old school bikini that I grew up on! The lack of pouch isn’t a deal breaker for me. It looks like it forms its own pouch.

If you love classics as much as I do, go check it out.

PAIR: Estevez Freedom White Bikini
COLOR: White
SIZES: Small – 3XL
PRICE: $19.95


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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