My main goal when I started UNB was to show all guys, great underwear is for everyone. Regardless of age, body size, sexual orientation or anything. I kept the coverage in the middle of the road and it gained us quite a few straight followers over the years. We even gained quite a few straight writers.

Fetishwear used to be just for the leather bar. It was guys in leather standing around with cigars in a drinking beer. Now that’s not the case. There are more kinds of fetishwear outside of leather. There is spandex (singlets), satin, lace, rubber, leather-inspired and of course leather.

As you see fetishwear is defined by the guy. It’s now as diverse as our readers. It’s really great to see guys embracing their fun side. Like regular underwear, you should feel sexy and awesome in anything you want to wear. If it makes you feel great and sexy wear it! Have fun in it and own it.

I have discovered one big thing by doing the blog. Straight guys regular underwear could be considered fetishwear. They want to wear that thong or bikinis and have it lead to fun with their partner. And some of them really can’t do it right now. They get looked at like it’s strange or not manly. The way underwear is viewed by a lot of the mainstream people.

In covering fetishwear we will cover everything. I know some of you won’t be into it but remember there are others who are and love it. We will cover all mentioned above and more. If there is something you want to see us cover just say so! We will look into and present it to you guys!

Photo by Ignacio Rivera Jr.


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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