IMG_1030We all love underwear, swimwear and activewear of some sort if you are reading this blog. We want to profile our readers and how you discovered your love of underwear! Next month we want to run a week long series of guys sharing their stories. Its interesting how there are many things each of us have in common and the amazing differences.

This is not just for the gay guys. We want the straight and bi guys to share and give a different perspective. Also, guys who like different styles (boxer briefs, briefs, jocks, thongs and etc). Its all about sharing what we love with your fellow underwear lovers.

You maybe asking what should be included? When did you first notice underwear? When did you buy your first pair and why did you choose that pair? Did anyone influence your purchases? or did advertisements expose you to the new brands? If you are young enough did the internet aid your discovery of brands?

Then flash forward and tell us what you love today and how your initial love still influences your purchasing decisions today. Even to this day I love a bikini, the first style I bought and wore!

If you are interested send us an email and we can get you more details. Just note we aren’t looking for an overly sexual story but what made you fall in love with great undies!


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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