
N2N Bodywear makes really fun swimwear. The LA Pop we profiled in our UNB Swim Guide! We also reviewed the LA Pop singlet as well! Which was a pretty awesome singlet. Now we have the LA Pop Swim Brief, which has the same incredible print as the singlet. Wearing this in public will definitely draw attention to you.

Before I get going into the review. The first pair I had a minor production issue. The leg strap is sewn into the cup and it came undone. The replacement they sent didn’t have this issue and held up great. After reviewing them for 7 years this is the first time I ever had an issue with them. So note sometimes things happen and most companies will exchange it. N2N sent me a new one right away! This is why they are awesome.

That being said I wore this pair twice. Once the first time the noticed the issue and then the second time with the replacement pair. The first thing you notice when you put this on is the pouch. It has n-hance pouch. You maybe asking what is the n-hance pouch and what can it do for me? The n-hance pouch is one designed by N2N Bodywear to lift what you have and show it off. It does it without any straps or extra add ons. This means you will be showing off all you have, so keep that in mind when thinking of this pair!

Wearing it the first time, I wore it with friends out to a pool. It was a quiet day and I really loved the pair. It felt great and held up to a good day by the pool. The second time I wore it was by the pool by myself. The first time was more active than the second time. The second was a lot of laying out and a few dips in the pool. But this time the pair held up great. It’s super comfortable and light. Like all great swimwear it dries fast and great for a long day at the pool.

Sizing with N2N Bodywear is pretty good. I have had very few issues with sizing. This pair was an XL and fit great. Just double check the size chart for any issues. But I don’t think you will have any with N2N Bodywear


  • Love the print
  • Amazing n-hance pouch
  • Super comfortable.


  • first pair had a minor production issue
  • Some may not like the bright print
  • Some may not like the pouch putting it all out there


  • Daily fit – 9
  • Sizing – 9
  • Construction -8
  • Styling – 10
  • Daily Performance – 9
  • Overall – 9

Thanks for N2N Bodywear for furnishing this pair for review. And for replacing the first pair! The LA Pop Sport is available from N2N Bodywear for $30


Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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