SingletsSinglets are one of the hottest things on the men’s market right now. Each year more and more come on the market. Late last year we brought you a 101 post on singlets and what do look for with your first singlet. Now we bring you 5 great singlets on the market.
The singlets we choose range from traditional to erotic. It all depends on where you want to wear the single and how much you want to show off. These are some of my favorite singlets out on the market right now.
Unknown-116N2N Bodywear – USA Singlet – This is “hot off the presses” as they say. It was just released in the last two weeks. I think the colors (red, green, blue) are just amazing! The cut and design make it one of the hottest singlets on the market! $50
Cellblock13 GForce SingletCellblock13 – G-Force Singlet – Let’s face it, sometimes you want a singlet for some fun times and not wear out. The G-Force Singlet is one perfect for play time. G-Force is a low cut singlet in 4 colors (grey, blue, yellow and red) with a black stripe on the side. But what makes it super sexy is the mesh pouch you can wear with or without a pouch – $69.00
1_268883e3-6ea3-4afa-af8a-e945c041bdad_largeGo Softwear – AJ  Endurance Singlet – Say you aren’t ready to try the mesh of the G-Force, the Endurance Singlet is a very traditional singlet. It has a full cut and longer legs that come just above the knee. Available in three colors (navy, grey and black) with a contrasting trim around the neck and arms. – $48.50
Unknown-120Pistol Pete – Power Mesh Singlet – This is a super fun design from Pistol Pete. It’s one that is a mix of some traditional design and some erotic. The singlet itself is made  out of sports mesh material. So it’s slightly see through depending on the color you get. The colors (red, black, navy, royal and yellow) are made with contrasting accents. The design accents everything you have! – $59.50
Unknown-121N2N Bodywear – PX Singlet – I had to put N2N on here twice because they have embraced the singlet. This is one of my favorite singlets of all time. The PX line has has several color schemes over the years but the design stays the same. It’s super low cut but the legs go mid thigh. The thing that makes it amazing to me is the pouch. They put the famous N2N Pouch in the singlet. I swear by this one! – $56.00
I hope you enjoy the singlets listed. You can’t go wrong with any of these. Each year more come out and we will bring you more as they are released! Are you a fan of singlets? If so which are your favorites?

Tim is the founder and editor of Underwear News Briefs. He has been an avid underwear fan since the age of 14! He founded UNB in 2008 and has continued to broaden his underwear love over the years

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